Contemporary Opera "Women in War" that will be performed in Kavala

Atina Büyükelçiliği 09.07.2015

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Wars, a contemporary opera “Women In War” which describes the war through the lens of women, will be performed jointly by Turkish, Greek and Australian artists on 22th July in Kavala.

The opera delves into the contrasting mindsets of three women protagonists – a Turkish mother in search of her wounded son serving in the Ottoman forces, a Greek war widow struggling to provide for her daughter on the Greek island of Lemnos, the ANZAC base, and an Australian nurse, keen to serve her king and country.

The opera will be performed in the Ancient Theatre of Filippi in Kavala and the tickets can be obtained at the Tourist Information Office of Kavala (2510-620566), Music Store Arion in Drama (25210-23762) and Bookstore DYO in Xanthi (25410-27777).

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